St. Catherine of Siena-St. Lucy and St. Giles Parish


About Our Ministries

Our Parish organizes the various ministries into five broad categories or commissions. The Spiritual Life Commission has ministries involved in the actual church services such as liturgy, music, ushers, etc. The Human Concerns Commission has ministries handling cultural and social issues of our community and society at large. Ministries under the Education Commission include bible study & religious education. Ministries under the Parish Life Commission are involved in planning and carrying out social events for our parish. Parish Organizations includes ministries in fundraising and facilities management.

Spiritual Life Commission

Faith & Fellowship

Faith & Fellowship is a social and spiritual program for adults with mental illness. Each of the three chapters at St. Catherine-St. Lucy consists of 7-12 members who meet regularly for 2-3 hours (weekly or semiweekly) from October through May. Membership consists of approximately equal numbers of people with mental illness and volunteers from various local parishes. Meetings include prayer, Scripture, restful meditation, and friendly socializing. New members are always welcome and volunteers always needed. Training is required; a minimum of one year commitment is necessary.
Contact: Connie Rakitan - Email

Bereavement Ministry

The Bereavement Ministry provides support to individuals who have lost members of their families at a most significant time in their life. The support includes assisting the family in planning the liturgy and related events and providing support to the family members during their period of mourning and grieving.
Contact: Christine Wedekind at Parish Office - Email

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee prepares the assembly's liturgical functions whether these be the Sunday Mass or other liturgical celebrations. This is a working committee composed of members of the parish staff and parishioners who have a special interest for the worship of our parish. This group also oversees the altar servers training and assignments.
Contact: Phil Kroker Email


The Cantor is a person who assists the assembly with their hymns and acclamations, and proclaims the Word of God in the Responsorial Psalm during a liturgy. Cantors rehearse and prepare together once a month.

Parish Choirs

Our choirs lead the assembly in sung prayer at Mass and other special liturgical celebrations. There are two choirs at St. Catherine-St. Lucy:

  • The Celebration Choir: Supports and enhances the sacred song of the assembly through its balanced repertoire. This choir usually rehearses on Wednesday evenings.
  • The Praise Choir:Through its special Gospel repertoire, supports and enhances the sacred song of the assembly at the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass; rehearses on Tuesday evenings.
    Contact: Julius White - Email

Environment & Art

This committee works in conjunction with the Liturgy Committee presenting an appropriate setting and environment in our church for the liturgical seasons of the year and for special celebrations.
Contact: Deidre Morgan

Greeters and Ushers

These ministers greet people as they arrive for Mass and assist with taking up the collection. As necessary they are available to be of assistance to newcomers.
Contact: Jim Lewis - (773) 378-2818

Ministers of the Eucharist

A Minister of the Eucharist assists the celebrant in the distribution of Communion during Mass. One should be of high school age and a practicing Catholic who is Confirmed.
Contact: Jeanne Visteen - Email

Ministers of the Word

A Minister of the Word proclaims the Scripture at our parish liturgies. One should be of high school age and be of clear speaking voice.
Contact: Jeanne Visteen - Email

Ministers of Care

Ministers of Care are parishioners who visit with parishioners who are homebound, in nursing homes, or in hospitals. The visit is a time for conversation, prayer, and receiving Holy Communion. Family members should contact the rectory for Anointing of the Sick.
Contact: Alex Ryan, 708-383-3430, ext. 403 Email

Retreat Committee

A day of reflection is coordinated by this committee of parishioners who plan the day and seek out a retreat director.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

This is a sacramental process, celebrated in the midst of this Faith Community. This process assists adults, as well as children over the age of 7, in learning about the Catholic Faith. Through its witness, worship, service, and teaching our Faith Community offers the invitation and support necessary for initiation into the Catholic Church.
Contact: Marci Madary, 708-383-3430, ext. 404 Email

Women's Ministry

The women's ministry hosts gender-specific faith formation to reinforce to women (a) their significance in God's creation, and (b) that their Church loves, recognizes, and hears them. Women's faith formation builds relationships between women of faith and with their Church. Program format is intentional to embody the change we want to see in the world. We also serve as a resource for women seeking to engage needed supporting services.
Contact: Shelby S. Boblick – Email

Human Concerns Commission

African American Heritage Committee

This committee plans and coordinates events concerning African American heritage, in particular our annual celebration and brunch.
Contacts: Ginny Jones - Email

Peace & Justice Committee

This committee works so that we may live our faith in the community and in the world at large, seeking God's justice and Christ's peace through empowerment and inclusiveness. The focus of this committee is to work for constructive change in the structures of civic life including raising awareness, assisting the marginalized and doing corporal works of mercy.
Contact: Kevin Morgan

Fair Trade Products

Fair Trade products, such as coffee, tea, chocolate and cocoa, are produced with a guarantee that the workers, laborers, and original owners of the product are receiving fair and living wages. Fair Trade products are available for purchase frequently through the year in the church foyer.
Contact: Mrs. Marge Massarello - Email

Food Pantry Assistance

Through regular collections of food (Food First Sundays and food drives), members of the Peace & Justice Committee bring food to local food pantries.
Contact: Kevin Morgan

St. Catherine-St. Lucy School

The mission of St. Catherine of Siena-St. Lucy School is to provide quality Christian education within a Catholic context for the students. Our educational program reflects our commitment to the spiritual, intellectual, social, and psychological needs of our students. Grade levels begin with three-year-olds and run through eighth grade. There is also an after school program available.

Parish Life Commission

Bridge Club

Parish Bridge gathers for a relaxing evening on a monthly basis. The members rotate hosting the evening in their homes beginning in September and running through the Spring.

St. Patrick-St. Joseph Brunch Committee

Coordinates our annual brunch & celebration held on a Sunday in March. Members coordinate food preparation, decoration of Maguire Hall, and entertainment.
Contact: Jean Bacom Detmer - Email

Welcoming Committee

Newcomers are encouraged to register with the parish. Forms are available in the church foyer. Upon registration, a member of this committee will be in contact to welcome you.
Contact: Ginny Jones - Email

Parish Organizations

Collection Counters

Parishioners who count the Sunday collection, tabulate the checks and prepare the bank deposit.
Contacts: Carol Coleman, 708-383-3430, ext. 419 Email

Facilities Committee

The facilities committee advises the Pastor and the Finance Council concerning the needs of our facilities.
Contact: Matthew Brophy, 708-383-3430, ext. 102 Email

Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Council is to provide assistance and guidance to the pastor in the administration of fiscal matters.
Contact: Matthew Brophy, 708-383-3430, ext. 102 Email

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee creates and carries out activities to raise money for our parish. Monthly meetings review existing projects, prepare for upcoming projects, and seek new ideas. Some activities, which always need volunteers, are bake sales, raffles, plant sales, and major events. All are invited to help with this vital and active group.
Contacts: Pat Nelson - Email; Cynthia Weaver - Email; Susan Schouten

Click here to read more about what the Fundraising Committee does.

The Christmas Bazaar (held in November) is a sale of handmade items made by crafters and quilters based on a theme of Christmas. Also part of the Bazaar is a raffle, silent auction, and a major luncheon.

Transportation Committee

Includes members of the parish willing to provide rides to/from parish activities, including Mass, to people from the surrounding communities.
Contact: Tom Farwell - Email