Vision Statement

We, the faith community of St. Catherine of Siena-St. Lucy Church, are a multi-cultural, inclusive community which assembles to worship in the Austin and Oak Park area. We seek to mirror Christ by accepting all into our family. We are unified through our belief in the sacredness of all creation, our Christian faith, and our Catholic perspective.
Our faith community exists to celebrate God's saving presence in Word and Sacrament, and to proclaim the Good News in lives rooted in discipleship and service. Through living the Gospel, we strengthen faith, hope, and love in one another, extending Christ's love to all.
We are called to gather often as an inclusive worship community through which the individual members of the faith community deepen their relationship with God. We will maintain a support system within the faith community, demonstrating a sincere concern for all. We will also collaborate with the broader community of the wider parish and our region in all of its religious and social diversity. We affirm our belief that the Spirit of our Creator is among all people, and that this Spirit strengthens us in the truth, in our hope for justice, and our love for one another.
Worship and Special Services

- Sacrament of Reconciliation
Reconciliation is offered on Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:30 pm (prior to the 5:00 pm Saturday Mass). Anyone wishing to receive the Sacrament at another time may do so by calling the Parish Office to make an appointment with a priest.
- Marriage
Please contact one of the parish priests to set a wedding date. Allow at least six months for sacramental preparation.
- Baptism
We rejoice as you receive a child into your life. Baptism is celebrated at scheduled Sunday Masses, or at some time convenient to family needs. Parents must first attend a preparation session prior to the Baptism. Please call the Parish Office to schedule the Baptism and arrange to attend a preparation meeting.
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The process assists adults as well as children over the age of 7 in learning about the Catholic faith and to prepare to enter into the Catholic Church. The RCIA is a sacramental process celebrated in the midst of the faith community. Please call the Parish Office to inquire.
- Ministry to the Sick, Hospitalized, and Homebound
Please notify the Parish Office to arrange for a visit for yourself or for a loved one.